As the school nurse, I would like our students to know that the Nurse’s Office is a place of comfort and care.Sungji Yoon, Nurse
Your child's health and well being is important to us. While they are at Seoul International School, a certified Registered Nurse is on duty during the entire school day to ensure that they are safe and taken care of should they become ill or require assistance.
The daily routines at SIS include various physical activities including sports. Big and small emergencies from upset stomachs to fractures are dealt with calmly and efficiently.
The school Health Policy spelled out in the parent student handbook is designed to provide the greatest safety and protection for SIS students and all others at Seoul International School.
Contact Us Anytime
Hours: 7:30 – 5:00
Phone: 031–750–1317
Email: [email protected]
Be advised: To prevent the spread of infection, after being diagnosed with the flu or any other contagious disease, students will only be allowed back to school with a signed note from a doctor indicating that they are no longer contagious.
Day To Day ...
If your child is unable to attend school or participate in a school function due to illness or injury, please inform the school, through email or phone, on the first day of showing symptoms.
It is important to provide us with as much detail as possible about the illness or injury to help monitor your child when they return and to prevent the spread of infection amongst the students.
Seoul International school is a nut free school. Nut allergies can be fatal. Please refrain from sending snacks with nuts to school.
Treatment with Medication
Medication may be brought to school if it is essential to the health of your child. When sending medication, it must be accompanied with a written statement that clearly identifies:
- your child's name
- correct dosage and times
- parent’s signature
Medications must be brought to the nurses office at the start of the school day. Students are not allowed to self administer medication.
Medicine will be kept in the nurse’s office during school hours.
If an accident or sudden serious illness occurs at school, every effort will be made to contact parents, but immediate treatment of the injured student is our first concern.
First aid will be administered by the school’s Registered Nurse. If the situation is serious enough to require other treatment, 119 will be contacted immediately and an ambulance will transport the student to the hospital, accompanied by SIS personnel.
Parents will be notified of the hospital location and should immediately go to the hospital, where the SIS staff member will be waiting to meet them.
If your child happens to become sick or injured during the course of the school day, every effort will be made to treat the symptoms and make them feel comfortable. However, if the nurse determines that it is best to separate them from classmates to prevent the spread of infection, you may be contacted to come and pick them up.
You are advised to keep your child away from school and take them to the doctor if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
- a fever over 100°F (37.8°C)
- constant vomiting
- severe diarrhea
- coughing that won't stop or unusual breathing patterns
- constant pain
- unknown rash or conjunctivitis
Important Covid Related Documents
Additional SIS Medical Documents and Guidelines
Contact Us Anytime
Hours: 7:30 – 5:00
Phone: 031–750–1317
Email: [email protected]